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New scientific publication in collaboration with the University of Newcastle on modelling Stargardt disease (STGD1) in vitro with retinal organoids (RO) to unravel genotype-phenotype correlations

Lung Ciliary Beat Frequency Analysis

Quantitative, rapid and comprehensive assessment of lung small airway cilia function

In Vitro Ciliary Beat Analysis for Lung Small Airway Epithelial Cells

The in vitro Ciliary Beat Frequency (CBF) analysis service provides an advanced, highly accurate method to assess ciliary function in lung small airway epithelial cells (SAECs). The streamlined, physiologically relevant assay helps predict mucociliary clearance and offers unmatched reliability for drug development and toxicity testing.

Using the CiliaBeat software, the assay captures high-definition videos of ciliated cells in air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures. This sophisticated setup collects sensitive, unbiased data to analyse ciliary beat frequency, active cilia area, and more.

The ciliary beat analysis service covers healthy and disease-like experimental circumstances and is customised for your project. The assay collaborates with your team to design studies that reveal SAECs’ responses to your substances. The test adapts to your project goals, speeding drug development and helping you reach key research milestones.

The CBF analysis gives you confidence to proceed with in vivo experiments with fast turnaround and accurate results. The high-sensitivity ciliary beat tests help you evaluate drug impacts on lung function, improving research and development results.

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Lung ciliary beat frequency analysis

Quantitative, rapid and comprehensive assessment of lung small airway cilia function


Evaluate the effect of drugs and airborne chemicals on small airway ciliated cells


Assess slow and rapid-acting compounds in healthy and disease-like conditions


Get high-sensitivity data of beating cilia for safety and dosing studies

Related Reading

Model formats

  • Human Small Airway Epithelial Cell (SAEC) model


  • Ciliary beat frequency analysis on SAEC model


  • 6 to 8 weeks

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About Newcells Biotech

Newcells Biotech provides clients with validated in vitro tools to understand how drugs interact with tissues. We enable the generation of robust and informative data to support critical decisions during any stage of drug-development.

We believe that improving the in vitro models available to drug discovery and development scientists is a key method for increasing the efficiency of in-vitro to in-vivo translation and ultimately to delivering new therapies to patients.

By applying our expertise in iPSCs, primary tissues, a deep understanding of cellular physiology and organoid technology, we have built validated models and assays that have proven to be predictive of how drugs interact with tissues and organs.

Person working in lab

Validation of COPD-like conditions is demonstrated by changes in percentage area covered by active cilia and ciliary beat frequency due to IL-13 treatment of SAEC cultures is demonstrated through the (A) heatmaps and (B) ciliary beat frequency (C) Percentage area covered by active cilia and (D) Integrated Cilia activity with changing IL-13 concentrations generated using CiliaBeat software
Sensitive, high-resolution readouts from CiliaBeat software – ciliary beat frequency histogram depicting the average frequency and heatmap showing cilia distribution with color-coded frequency

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