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New scientific publication in collaboration with the University of Newcastle on modelling Stargardt disease (STGD1) in vitro with retinal organoids (RO) to unravel genotype-phenotype correlations

Covid-19 action plan – A message to our customers, collaboration partners & colleagues

Newcells Biotech Covid-19 Action Plan

As we all come to terms with the extraordinary and rapidly changing global situation caused by Covid-19, I would like to update you on the plans we have in place to ensure we protect our staff and operations.

As our staff are crucial to our on-going business, our management team are meeting weekly and as required, to plan and implement processes to safeguard them and their families. This will in turn ensure our ability to maintain our in-house development programmes and continue to service our customer contracts.

  • We are encouraging work practices that facilitate “social distancing” and have implemented an increased hygiene regime
  • We have implemented  travel restrictions and a work-from-home policy for all non-laboratory-based staff. We have also identified staff who are at higher risk of infection and taken steps to enable them to self-isolate and where necessary modify their work patterns
  • We will be operating a flexible shift-based operation to minimise the number of laboratory staff occupying the same area and enable staff who use public transport to travel outside peak times.  Our two separate sites also help us manage our operational risk
  • We have approached our main suppliers and are confident we have a robust supply chain to enable us to continue our projects
  • We continue to communicate with our customers to inform them of any changes to their project timelines

Finally, I would like to give a personal thanks to our staff, partners, suppliers, investors and customers for their support at this difficult time.

Dr Mike Nicholds
Newcells Biotech

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18th March, 2020


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