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New scientific publication in collaboration with the University of Newcastle on modelling Stargardt disease (STGD1) in vitro with retinal organoids (RO) to unravel genotype-phenotype correlations

Renal drug handling and drug-drug interactions in ADMET

Led by Dr Colin Brown, Newcells Biotech has licensed-in an in vitro ADMET assay platform from Newcastle University to determine how new drugs are transported by the kidney.

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The assays currently offered are based on human or animal cells transfected to express single or dual human kidney transporters on their surfaces. The major limitation is that they do not accurately reflect the situation in vivo where there may be more than one transporter involved in the drug handling or when there is competition with other drug molecules. Therefore, this does not accurately predict drug handling or nephrotoxicity in the clinical setting.

Dr Brown is the leading expert on drug transport in human kidney and has optimised a primary kidney proximal tubule cell (PTC) model for the investigation of drug handling and nephrotoxicity (the a-Proximate system). The a-Proximate system is available using primary human, rat or mouse PTC. The a-Proximate system offers a superior alternative to commercially available cloned transporter assays as it can be used to accurately predict renal drug handling and drug-drug interactions prior to clinical trials.

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1st December, 2017



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