In vitro tissue models that mimic in vivo human physiology to improve drug discovery
In vitro tissue models that mimic in vivo human physiology to improve drug discovery
In vitro tissue models that mimic in vivo human physiology to improve drug discovery
13th May 2025 - 17 May, 2025
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
The American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy’s (ASGCT) Annual Meeting is the premier event for gene and cell therapy professionals. The meeting is the best place for people in the field to learn from the latest scientific research, stay current on new technologies, and make career-advancing connections with peers.
Originally designed as a venue for academic researchers to share their work, the Annual Meeting has grown to serve a wide community encompassing clinicians, bio-industry developers, regulatory agencies, equipment manufacturers, patient advocates, and more.
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