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New scientific publication in collaboration with the University of Newcastle on modelling Stargardt disease (STGD1) in vitro with retinal organoids (RO) to unravel genotype-phenotype correlations

Illustration of lungs

Lung Airway Models

Why use our lung airway models?


Models mimic in vivo function

Accurate & reliable results


Three donors available per study

Comprehensive data


High throughput

Time saving & efficient

Our Models

Human Lung Fibroblasts

Our Fibroblast-to-Myofibroblast Transition (FMT) assay is robust and validated. The 384-well format allows rapid evaluation of multiple compounds and conditions using imaging outputs.

Human lung fibroblasts stimulated with TGF-β1 for 72hours and immunostained to detect total collagen I (pink) and alpha-smooth muscle actin(α-SMA) (green) as a measure of matrix production and fibroblast activation respectively.
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Human Small Airway Epithelial Cell Model

A robust, physiologically relevant lung air-liquid interface epithelial model to enable scientific research and drug discovery

Small Airway Epithelial Cells immunostained to detect for Basal cell (KRT5), Club cell (CC10/SCGB1A1) and Junctional protein (ZO1) markers
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Lung Model Capabilities

Working with us

Timely service

Our service timelines are short due to the efficiency of our assay. We can provide multiple data points on a single plate in as little as 2 months. Our FMT assay evaluates both collagen I and III as well as α-smooth muscle actin.

Model validation

Our lung tissue model is well-characterised and rigorously validated to ensure the generation of robust and predictive data. Our clients also value our scientific expertise in the analysis and interpretation of data.

How we support our clients

By providing predictive data, we give our clients confidence in their key decision processes using our lung model and our Lung Fibroblast-to-Myofibroblast Transition (FMT) assay service.

Our expertise

Our team is experienced in assay development for drugs targeting the lung with specific knowledge of fibrosis. By combining this knowledge with primary and iPSC cell technology, they have developed assays that can help our customers screen, optimise and select candidates for combating fibrosis.

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