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An illustration of a retina looking to the right

Retina Models -
Organoids and RPE

Why use validated retina tissue models?


Accurately mimic physiology of the human retina

Predictive of human response


Well-controlled production process

Robust data


Readily available

Short timelines to results

Retina tissue models

Retinal Organoids

Functional iPSC-derived retinal organoids with all the cell types and laminar cell organisation that recapitulate the complex structure of the human retina. They contain the outer photoreceptor segment of the retina that responds to light.

A placeholder image of cells
Cone photoreceptor cells labelled with anti-Opsin (Red/Green) antibody.
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Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE)

A functional 2D model of retinal pigment epithelial cells generated from human iPSCs recapitulating phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments. The RPE cells are pigmented and displays typical cobblestone morphology.

RPE cells displaying cobblestone morphology. Cells were immunolabeled with tight-junction ZO-1 marker (shown in green) and co-stained with nuclei marker, Hoechst (shown in blue).
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  • Fresh neural retina (fully stratified including photoreceptors) at Day 150
  • Customisable time points on request D60 D90, D180 and D210
  • Retinal organoid cell pellets
  • Frozen sections of retinal organoids


All services can be provided on retinal organoids or RPE derived from healthy donors, patients or CRISPR-edited IPSCs.

Retinal Model Capabilities

Dr Valeria Chichagova, Director of Technology

Working with us

Timely service

With regular manufacturing of retinal organoid batches, our services and product supply timelines are short. The retinal organoid can be harvested at various times points during differentiation according to the maturation stage of the main cell type of interest. Typically, we offer organoids at day 150, but we offer full customisation of the model to suit your requirements.

Model validation

Our retinal organoids and RPE models are well-characterised and rigorously validated to ensure the generation of robust and comparative data predictive of the human retina. Assays have been optimised to work with the unique nature of 3D retinal organoids.

How we support our clients

By providing predictive data, we give our clients confidence in their key decision processes, such as the selection of the optimal viral vector for gene therapy or selection of a lead compound in vitro for retinopathies.

Our expertise

Investing over 3 years in development and completing numerous studies for customers our team has unrivalled expertise in application of human iPSC models of the retina. We can work with you to design the right study to provide data on large and small molecule effects on the retina to assist in candidate progression.

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