Now launched! Ciliary beat frequency analysis assay for small airway epithelium cells - rapid compound analysis with enhanced sensitivity
Chief Scientific Officer
Colin was born in Edinburgh, grew up in Fife and was awarded his PhD by the University of St Andrews. He then was a Royal Society European Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Zurich. Following on from this Dr Brown was a Wellcome Senior Research Fellow at Manchester University. He was then an Associate Professor in the Institute of Cell & Molecular Biosciences for nearly 30 years. Dr Brown is a leading expert in kidney transport, with research interests in renal, hepatic and GI drug transporters.
He has developed and commercialised several primary cell-based assays for measuring kidney transport and toxicity and has authored over 100 publications and several book chapters and been an invited speaker at numerous conferences around the world. He has been a mentor to 16 PhD students and numerous undergraduate and Masters students. Dr Brown is a past Chair of the AAPS Drug Transporter Focus group and a member of the PPDM executive. He was involved in the organisation of 4 AAPS DTFG Bench to Bedside workshop including two as Chair.
Favourite Quotation: “Jings! Crivens! Help Ma Boab!” Oor Wullie“
Get rapid and comprehensive compound efficacy & safety evaluation with increased sensitivity for confident decision-making. Enquire today about how this assay can bring you more insights!