Now launched! Ciliary beat frequency analysis assay for small airway epithelium cells - rapid compound analysis with enhanced sensitivity
7th March 2023 - 9 March, 2023
Boston, MA
Hilton Boston Logan Airport Hotel
Dr Kathryn Garner
The CKD Drug Development Summit is uniquely positioned to de-risk drug development in cardiorenal disorders and provide strategic insight into paving the way to regulatory approval.
Dr Kathryn Garner will be presenting the following talk:
Primary kidney cells for modelling Chronic Kidney Disease in vitro
• Human podocytes maintain high levels of key podocyte markers, including nephrin, podocin, WT1, CD2AP.
• Well-validated Podocyte Toxicity Assay senses injury through barrier integrity (TEER) measures and passage of fluorescently-labelled dextran molecules.
• Disease modelling in podocytes, proximal tubule cells and renal fibroblasts with monitoring of fibrosis readouts – matrix deposition – using high content imaging.
Discover more about our glomerulus model
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