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Updates - Page 8

Newcastle University logo
1st December, 2017

Renal drug handling and drug-drug interactions in ADMET

The assays currently offered are based on human or animal cells transfected to express single or dual human kidney transporters on their surfaces. The major limitation is that they…

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A woman conducting an experiment
1st September, 2017

Newcells Biotech joins StemBANCC consortium

Newcells Biotech has joined the StemBANCC project, a pan-EU consortium made up of major pharmaceutical and academe groups. StemBANCC’s goal is to generate 1,500 iPSC lines from 500 people,…

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in3 logo
1st August, 2017

Development of iPSC-derived conducting airways & application to toxicity testing

The in3 project is funded by the EU’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action – Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN), part of a 3-year project to develop novel ways to assess toxicity for…

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NC3Rs Logo
26th April, 2016

NB to develop a new skin metabolism model using iPSC derived skin cells

Working with academics Prof Mark Birch-Machin and Dr Peter Hanson from the Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcells is using its expertise in cellular reprogramming and differentiation of iPSCs to…

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A microscope image
28th September, 2015

NB completes a licensing agreement with ID Pharma Co. Ltd for induced pluripotent stem cell technologies

The agreement will enable Newcells to develop, manufacture, distribute products and offer services to customers based on reprogramming cells using the CytioTuneTM-iPS kit. Prof Lyle Armstrong, CSO of Newcells Biotech,…

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iPS Academia Japan
9th September, 2015

NB completes a licensing agreement with iPS Academia Japan, Inc. for induced pluripotent stem cell technologies

The agreement will enable Newcells to develop, manufacture, distribute products and offer services to customers in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and academic sectors in Europe. Dr Mike Nicholds CEO of Newcells…

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